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Showing posts from October, 2010

Threads in Actionscript 3 (AS3)

by Alex Harui @ . January 1, 2008 Every once in a while, someone decides they would like to see threading or background processing in Actionscript. While the underlying Flash Player and Operating System use threads, the execution model for Actionscript does not. For those who don’t know, ‘threading’ is essentially the ability to have the code do something in the background while the UI is doing something else. Because Actionscript is single-threaded, if you spend lots of time doing heavy computation, the UI cannot be updated while you’re doing that computation so your application appears stuck or effects don’t run smoothly. Similarly, there is no yielding or blocking in Actionscript either. If the next line of code is supposed to run, you cannot prevent the next line of code from running. That means that when you call, the next line of code following that runs right away. In many other runtimes, the Alert window has to be closed before the...

All in One Testing FrameWork

CommonLisp/ CppBuilder3plus/ CppSolaris/ CppUnit/ Delphi/ Dolphin/ Flash/ Forte/ GemStoneSmalltalk/ JSunit/ JUnit/ JUnitTogether/ Jade/ OmPyUnit/ Perl/ PowerBuilder/ PythonFit/ Readme.txt SUnit23/ Shell/ Squeak/ Testfram.doc Testfram.rtf UnitTestJava/ VisualAge/ VisualBasic/ VisualObjects/ VisualSmalltalk/ VisualWorks/ ada/ j2me/ python/ wall/

Cara Setup sebuah Dedicated Web Server Ubuntu

All great websites have a great server behind them. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to set up a dedicated web server (with Apache, MySQL, and PHP) using that old computer you have lying around the house and some free software.

Game Indonesia > Game Buatan Indonesia

SEGERA HADIR... halaman ini diperuntukkan bagi anda para gamers yang ingin memajukan industri games di Indonesia. Tujuannya tentu bukan hanya menciptakan anak - anak bangsa yang konsumtif menjadi pemain games. Tetapi lebih dari itu, kita juga mampu untuk membuat game yang dapat bersaing dengan game - game produksi luar negeri. Kecenderungan para gamers di Indonesia untuk menerima game buatan luar memang sepertinya sulit untuk dibendung. Namun hal itu tidak menyurutkan semangat anak bangsa untuk mulai berkarya melalui industri game digital. Buktinya, indonesia dikejutkan dengan game lokal online seperti Nusantara Online (Nusol), Majapahit Online,dll. Dan baru - baru ini, Steamops - pemenang inaicta kategori video games 2011 yang dibangun oleh tim garuda games, menjadi nominator di ajang yang lebih besar : Asia Pacific ICT Award 2011. So, siapa lagi yg bisa memajukan game indonesia kalo bukan kita sendiri? :) lihat juga: >> Game Steamops : Pemenang Kontes INAICTA 2011 kategori Vid...